Check out some pictures from our wonderful visitors to AmPark this week! Lincoln Center Jazz Group Our fifth grade students were treated to a live performance by a jazz quartet from Lincoln Center this week! They learned that swing, improvisation, and the blues are core components of jazz and got to clap along, dance along, and write a collaborative blues song. FDNY Fire Safety Presentations The first round of classes received fire safety presentations from local firefighters this week and all students will have participated within the month. Our volunteers were so impressed with the students' questions and knowledge of fire safety!
COVID Testing Consent & Lunch Forms COVID Testing Consent - Support Needed Parents of our 1st-5th grade students, if you have already done so, THANK YOU most sincerely for submitting your child's COVID testing consent. At AmPark we make this experience as gentle as possible for our Owls and treat them as the brave heroes they are for helping us check on the health of our AmPark family overall. On site COVID testing is perhaps our #1 indicator of the health and safety of our community. Currently, we have so few consents on file that we cannot get a good sample of the wellness of our students and school and we need your help. Please support checking on the health of our overall AmPark family by consenting to COVID testing in school. Testing Consent can be completed in student NYCSA accounts. Information about it testing and the link to consent is here. Concerned about testing? Please email Bonnie with any and all questions: [email protected]. Lunch Forms We are so close to being Title 1, which could mean a significant amount of additional funding for AmPark! Please complete your child's income verification "lunch form" here as soon as you can. Thank you! The AmPark March of Dimes Costume Parade Wonder Walk is back and coming our way on October 29th!
October 2021 Dear Parent, Please join the fight for the health of all moms and babies by supporting your child’s participation in March of Dimes’ WonderWalk fundraising event. For decades, schools conducted WonderWalk in person with a group mini walk around school grounds, often on Halloween. The past 2 years we included a virtual option to fundraise and remains open to create fundraising options for families. It is a fun way for children to get involved, learn the spirit of volunteerism and helping others. We invite you to join the child’s school’s WonderWalk team on the March for Babies online school fundraising page at Begin by clicking JOIN and create your child’s online fundraising page under the school’s team, shown above. You and your child can use that page to fundraise and earn a free, LIVE, virtual cooking class for raising $25 or more. Your family is encouraged to start fundraising as soon as today and you can continue through November 30th. For over 80 years, dating back to the pioneering of a life-saving vaccine for polio, March of Dimes has always risen to face daunting challenges. By joining WonderWalk you are supporting March of Dimes’ efforts to end preventable maternal death and morbidity, premature birth and increase health equity. You are stepping up during this public health crisis, at a time when it is still urgently needed. Thanks to volunteers like you, March of Dimes can develop new programs and resources to help families during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. In addition to the school fundraiser event this fall, some fun virtual fundraising ideas families can try at home with parental supervision include:
Thank you for stepping up during this challenging time, and most especially for your support and generosity, which helps March of Dimes end preventable premature birth and infant and maternal mortality. The cause for nearly half of all premature births is unknown. It can happen to any family. Sincerely, Lisa Koss March of Dimes Director Donor Development
Lunch Volunteers Welcome We are very grateful for the support of our families who have stepped in to support our outdoor eating and recess when they can. If you are a vaccinated parent, and are willing to support, please reach out to Assistant Principal Dany Velazquez at [email protected] and thank you! Soft Lockdown Drill for Emergency Preparedness
We had our first soft lockdown drill this week. During a soft lockdown the students stay in the classroom and remain silent in the event that there was ever a danger outside. Soft lockdowns are mandated by the Department of Education. More information can be found here: Comments are closed.