Dear Families, We hope that this update finds each of you safe and well. While the holiday season can be a joyous one, this year more than ever it can also be a time of stress and sadness over those that we cannot share time with. Please remember that we are here for you and we are here with you experiencing these unusual days together. Reach out should you or your family need anything. We will also be reaching out to check in on our families. Yesterday the mayor announced that elementary schools will resume in-person learning on Monday, December 7th. He also shared his intentions for a gradual phase-out of hybrid learning. As there has been no change in resources or staffing to support the rollout of this plan, it is our intention to return next week with a continuation of Model 2. While an increase in days in school for in-person learners is a wish that we sincerely hope to grant over the course of the school year, there are more questions than answers as to how to make it possible at this time while continuing to adhere to safety guidelines. I can assure you that we will approach it from multiple angles and with our very best efforts. There has been no word on any changes to the opt-in window that passed earlier this month. ALL previous hybrid students, as well as those that have just opted into in-person learning, are required to have handed in their testing consent form before they can return to school. Students that do not have consent on file will not be permitted to join classrooms as per DOE guidelines. Please communicate with us if you decide that you will not be consenting and will instead engage in remote instruction so that we can appropriately plan for changes to groupings. Information on Consent Forms (how to submit consent in 1 of 2 ways): Submitting consent: having your child tested for COVID-19 in school is quick and easy. If you have already submitted consent, we encourage you to do so again to ensure your student has the latest form on file. There are two easy ways to submit:
We invite you for community connection and further discussion on these topics during a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, December 3rd from 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 839 4195 5111 Passcode: 752026 One tap mobile +13126266799,,83941955111#,,,,,,0#,,752026# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,83941955111#,,,,,,0#,,752026# US (New York) AmPark Family Calendar for December Families, please make sure you stop by the AmPark Family Calendar for events and happenings in the Month of December. Whether it's tomorrow's Middle School Information Session, Thursday's Family Town Hall, Sing, Tuesdaypalooza, An AP in PJs or the Festival of Lights, you'll find all of the dates, times and Zoom Links here. The Theme of the Month for December is Compassion. Stand By Me by Ben E. King Performed with love for our AmPark Family by Josh, Caitlin, Kelly, Niomi, Tahese, & Seth NYC School Chancellor - Update to Families 11.29.20 Comments are closed.