Happy Friday, AmPark Families!!! Can't believe that February is already here! Please see our REVISED FEBRUARY CALENDAR! There have been changes to our February School Sing Schedule! K/1 Sing will be Tuesday, 2/6, Grades 3/4/5 Sing will be on Wednesday, 2/7, and Grade 2 Sing will be Thursday, 2/8. We also have updates below about a Parent Workshops and Respect for All week! Our 2nd Climate Action Day will be Wednesday, 2/7! See the flyer below to see how we will participate as a school!The AmPark PA Presents: Please click the link below to purchase online! The Family Sweet Heart Dance the-family-sweet-heart-dance.cheddarup.com RESPECT FOR ALL WEEK is February 12-February 16th! Please see the below schedule for the themes for each day of the week! Parent Workshops Available!!! Please see flyers below!
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