![]() Dear Families, Hard to believe that we're in the home stretch and fast approaching the close of this school year. We are excited to announce that many wonderful events are being planned for our rising 5th graders during the last week of school, beginning on June 21st. Families, please save the date for the All Remote Stepping-Up Ceremony on June 24th from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. Be on the lookout Monday for a Google Form containing all Stepping Up information including the invitation to our in-person 5th grade gathering for all 5th grade students on June 22nd from 9:30am-Noon. Thank you so much to our 5th grade committee and the tireless efforts that they're making to ensure that the end of this challenging year for our AmPark seniors is as wonderful as can be! All families please be reminded that school is closed for students on June 8th as it is a NYCDOE clerical day for staff. There will be no in-person or remote sessions. It is a bittersweet feeling to share that our amazing art teacher, Ina Gallon, will be retiring at the end of the school year. Ina was one of AmPark’s founding teachers and has been a guiding light for AmPark’s vision over the past 15 years, as well as an essential support to our reopening plan this year. We know that you join us in wishing her the very best in this new chapter of her life. AmPark loves you Ina! ![]() Some Good News @ AmPark: -Three groups of students embarked on an adventure into the Van Cortlandt forest for a Forest Friday expedition with 2nd and 4th grade parent Mariana. Thank you Mariana! -Three AmPark students were selected for the Bronx Borough Arts Festival: Neco, Iyana, and Leah! Congratulations to our artists! -The Pre-K students completed their first research projects and did a fabulous job presenting! To wrap up their baby animal unit, students picked a baby animal to learn more about. They made a poster and became the teacher during zoom this week to teach others about their animal. They did a great job and were so excited to share their projects! ![]() Parent Coordinator Corner Hello AmPark Families! WOW We made it to June! Only 3 Mondays left! This month is our last month for some awesome parent/family resources. This month I have a Connection Card Game for the whole family. You can make it a family game night or even take it on a road trip! You can go to your nearest staples and print it out or you can reach out to me and I can print it out for you! These summer activity calendars for July and August are amazing. Each day there is a link you can follow and do activities or go on an adventure! Click here to enjoy all the fun activities! Our Last four sessions with Brain Power Wellness are coming up so fast! Let's leave with a bang show the Brain Power Wellness team how much we appreciate them! They have worked with our students and shown them so many new ways to be confident, focused, happy, learning new coping strategies and just learning to LOVE YOU! Bring the whole family together or take this time for you but let's try and get at least 10 families to represent AmPark! We hope you join us for our last four sessions! Info below. Friday June 4th: 5:00pm -6:00pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82895290484?pwd=dDd5YTdBMjRUbE95bzlmM2FHbWRJQT09 Meeting ID: 828 9529 0484 Passcode: 334681 Wednesday, June 9th: 5:30 PM - 6:30PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87343927429?pwd=ZjljejlTWXBEM0lydVYzM0ZucDhiQT09 Meeting ID: 873 4392 7429 Passcode: 742928 Friday, June 18th: 5:00PM - 6:00PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82895290484?pwd=dDd5YTdBMjRUbE95bzlmM2FHbWRJQT09 Meeting ID: 828 9529 0484 Passcode: 334681 Wednesday, June 23rd: 5:30PM - 6:30PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87343927429?pwd=ZjljejlTWXBEM0lydVYzM0ZucDhiQT09 Meeting ID: 873 4392 7429 Passcode: 742928 Important info on summer rising! Applications are open for summer rising. Apply here 🌐 Link to discoverDYCD: https://discoverdycd.dycdconnect.nyc/home Hours of operation for elementary students, 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday starting 7/6 to 8/20. All students are expected to come Monday through Friday. All students are expected to start 7/6 until 8/20. All students are expected to arrive at 8am and leave at 6pm, unless they have busing in which their day will end at 3pm. All students are expected to fill out a Covid testing form Click here for form When applying please choose go to this website https://discoverdycd.dycdconnect.nyc/program-publicType in the search bar 10x344 and choose- COMPASS Elementary: P.S. 095 Sheila Mencher - Summer Rising (10X095) Associated Schools: Milton Fein School (10X007); P.S. 008 Isaac Varian (10X008); P.S./M.S. 280 Mosholu Parkway (10X280); P.S. 315 Lab School (10X315); Ampark Neighborhood (10X344)Child Development Ctr of the Mosholu Montefiore Comm Center http://www.mmcc.org 3961 HILLMAN AVENUE BRONX 10463 Service Provider: (718) 882-4000 Site Contact: (917) 631-0454 Kherissa Fearon: [email protected] Operating Dates: July 2021 - August 2021 Here is a video tutorial on how you can apply! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdmLucUl5qE&t=5s If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out! Comments are closed.