Ramadan Mubarak, Happy Passover, Happy Easter, and Happy Spring Break AmPark Family! Habit 7 of the Leader in Me is Sharpen the Saw. Sharpening the Saw refers to dedicating time to refreshing, preserving, and maintaining our most important asset... ourselves! The vacation ahead provides a perfect time to do exactly that, and we hope that you all will. Balance is best. In order to provide students who may need and want time to stay connected and continue to practice their skills while we recharge at home, teachers have provided support practice that can be done through the break, including iReady and test sophistication practice. As we prepare for the New York State ELA Exam on April 19th and 20th, and the New York State Math Exam soon to follow in the first week of May, this may be a support for students and their families who would like to maintain skill practice from home. At the same time, as author Anne Lamott puts it, "Almost anything will work again if you unplug it for a few moments, even you." We hope that all of you, and our amazing Owls, will take some time to rest and recharge, unplug and sharpen your saws, in the break we have ahead. Elvira Dejesus is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Elvira Dejesus te invita a una reunión programada de Zoom. Topic: Elvira Dejesus's Zoom Meeting Time: Apr 5, 2023 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97310137071?pwd=bVJjbGJ3eDdnOStRS0tUZ2ZLcFdXdz09 Meeting ID: 973 1013 7071 Passcode: 595637 One tap mobile +16469313860,,97310137071#,,,,*595637# US +16465588656,,97310137071#,,,,*595637# US (New York) Comments are closed.