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2 More Days for AMPARK’S POPTOBER FUNDRAISER! - Fundraiser ends October 16th!
Dear AmPark Families, Join us in kicking off the 2022-2023 school year with our third annual virtual fundraiser. Double Good is a popular fundraiser, that offers fresh gourmet popcorn in a variety of delicious flavors and the best part is, it’s 100% contactless. AmPark will keep 50% of the total proceeds and the popcorn ships directly to the buyer anywhere in the U.S. Last year we had 36 pop-up stores which generated $11,798.50 for our school. This much needed money helps with funding things like WITS, special programming and more! In order to achieve this goal again, we need all families to participate!! THIS IS ONLY A 4-DAY FUNDRAISER, which begins on October 12, 2022, at 5:00 PM and runs until October 16, 2022, at 5:00 PM. Before the fundraiser begins: 1. Download the free Double Good app for Apple or Android. 2. Enter our Event Code: JRRLKZ in the app. 3. Create your personalized Pop-Up Store. 4. Begin selling by sharing your link with family, friends and co-workers via email, text or social media. You can even ask them to forward your link on to others. The more, the merrier. If you choose not to create a store, you can help the school by sharing any of the store links to family & friends and encourage them to buy popcorn from one of our existing stores or you can even donate bags of popcorn to first responders! This year, the prizes for the top three sellers have increased! 1st place: $150 gift card, 2nd place: $100.00 gift card and 3rd place: $50.00 gift card. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to reach out via email to [email protected]. Regards, Ampark Parents Association – VP of Fundraising Jaime Benjamin Comments are closed.