![]() Dear Families, The city continues to share more pieces of the puzzle as we work in our individual schools to create a reopening plan specific to our community. Given the extraordinary challenges we are facing no plan will be perfect nor meet the needs and requests of all families. What I can promise you is that I am doing my very best to put the pieces together with support and input from families, our district, and our reopening team. This week the Chancellor shared his updates during a Family Engagement Session and District 10 also held their own Town Hall. Recordings from the Chancellor’s Office are available here: https://learndoe.org/face/ and you can also sign up for the next session on August 27th. Our District team will be sharing their recording and the Q&A transcript in the near future. The district reopening plan was submitted to the state following the citywide plan. Our school level plan was submitted this week and outlines the point people, health and safety procedures, and curricular goals for the return to school in alignments with CDC and NYS guidelines. It will also be shared once approved. Some important news is that students that are enrolled in the hybrid model will have their schedules on in-school days available no later than the citywide deadline of August 28th. My plan is to have this out in advance of that deadline in order to give families as much notice as possible. There are many, many factors that will shape the cohorts from sibling groupings to special services to the medical accommodations of our staff members and we are working through these scenarios as quickly as possible with the great care that is needed. Regarding supply lists, I would like to emphasize that we did post the lists in response to requests from families, but that they are very much a guide at the moment. The boxes from School ToolBox can be customized and can be shipped to home for remote learners if you so choose. Our teachers will share more information in their newsletters that will be sent with our back to school packets in the coming weeks. You are welcome to hold off until then as there is no pressure to have your supplies at this time. If you are the parent of a remote learner, you will likely not need everything on the list. We would like all parents to consider, however, creating a “school like” nook or learning corner to support your child in remote learning. Having needed materials, such as notebooks, post-its and markers, at the ready can help your child more fully engage during lessons and prevent lost learning time and distractions. ![]() While so much remains unknown, there were many hopeful highlights this week: ● Our families are continuing to fill out the Learning Preference Survey. This is instrumental to our planning and while we know the decision is difficult to make at this time, we very much appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us. If you are not ready to fully commit to remote, but think that you will in the future, please feel free to shoot me an email as many of you have already done. https://www.nycenet.edu/surveys/learningpreference ● 2nd grade teacher Matilda Tegnell’s Donors Choose project for the school was fully funded in a matter of days! Thank you so much for all of your support in sharing and donating. Six students will be able to receive a school issued chromebook from this project alone. These chromebooks are the remote learning lifeline for our students and will make all of the difference to six of our AmPark owls. ● Our Amazon wish list already has items that have been purchased to support outdoor learning! Opportunities continue to be explored to maximize this possibility. ● I met with our parent coordinator Niomi in her role as Roads to Success Director and Roads to Success Program Supervisor Daniel to explore options for childcare services in the fall. Nothing has been finalized as of yet, but it seems there may be some city grants that will support daytime child care services which we know so many of our families need. More information to come. ● Bonnie and I met with our New York Botanical Gardens partners and we are on their shortlist for a partnership expansion. This would mean that more of our students would have access to interactive live virtual experiences and future opportunities for in-person family workshops. We are looking forward to increasing project based learning experiences through virtual platforms. We will be planning another AmPark specific Town Hall in the coming weeks to share our reopening plans. Please be on the lookout for an invitation! Be well and stay healthy! Kelly ![]() Reminder: We are piloting a school-wide Google Classroom to enhance communication in addition to your child’s teacher led google classrooms. The join code for the school classroom is: ozsmu6s. You will need your child’s nyc login to join. Missed the District 10 Town Hall? Want to take another look? Please find the Town Hall Meeting minutes as well as the powerpoint presentation attached here: Town Hall Meeting Minutes Powerpoint Presentation From our Amazing District 10 Team:
Happy to share District Ten's seventh instructional video is scheduled to broadcast on Tuesday August 18 at 9 am on TV Channels BronxNet offers twelve channels, 67, 68, 69, 70, 951 and 952 on Optimum and channels 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 on FIOS. The videos will also be visible online on the Bronx Net website. on www.BronxNet.TV, the BronxNet Youtube channel, and Facebook Live. In addition, reruns of our previous District Ten Videos are airing throughout the week!!!! CONGRATULATIONS to the contributing teachers and their respective principals and schools recommended for Video 7. We are grateful to Luis Liz and all for making this come together. Please share with your respective teachers. Please note, BronxNet reserves the right to edit our videos, despite our recommended sequence, as well as change the anticipated air time. CONGRATULATIONS Contributors! 10x085 – Paper Airplanes/Running Mr. Thomas Mastrangelo Physical education 10X205 – Juggling Paul Boccia Physical Education 10x081 - Olympics Marisa Maher & Brian Walters Physical Education
Jennifer A G.
8/18/2020 09:21:35 am
You listed school hours will be 5 hours per day. For working parents like us who work 9-5, what will happen to our children afterschool?
Jennifer A G.
8/18/2020 09:26:26 am
If Afterschool depends on "school budget" what will parents do if there is no afterschool and they have to work all day outside of the home, and also have no one to pick up their child?
8/19/2020 09:09:07 am
Hello Jennifer,
Jennifer A Gutierrez
8/25/2020 08:36:04 am
Thank you for getting back to me, and I have spoken to Niomi. Comments are closed.