![]() Dear Families, It is hard to believe that we will be welcoming March next week. At this time last year, we could not have imagined what the next 12 months would have looked like. Thank you for weathering them with us. The strength and resilience of our community never ceases to amaze us. Here’s to the brighter days of the approaching spring. Please be reminded that Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, March 4th. In-person B group students will have early dismissal on Thursday at 11:30. Be sure to keep an eye out for conference sign-ups with your child’s teacher(s). As was our practice in the fall, conferences will be used to discuss progress thus far and report cards will follow at the end of the month. A benefit of this shift from our usual practice is the additional time that is offered for students between parent meetings and report cards to submit missing work or assessments, as well as the additional time for skill development. Report cards are available through your child’s NYCSA account. ![]() From the 5th Grade Committee: Reminder that the next 5th grade committee meeting is on Tuesday, March 2nd at 6pm. All meetings will be brief and will help us move forward with making the year special for our 5th graders. The zoom details are: Join Zoom Meeting https://ambercharter-org.zoom.us/j/81078527464 Meeting ID: 810 7852 7464 Pre-Kindergarten Registration Update: We are writing to share the exciting news that the 3-K and pre-K applications for fall 2021 are now open! The application process is not first come, first served, and all applications received by the deadline will be treated equally. Families with children born in 2017 can apply to pre-K by the April 7 deadline, and families with children born in 2018 can apply to 3-K by the April 30 deadline. Families can apply online at MySchools.nyc, or over the phone by calling 718-935-2009. Translation and interpretation services are available through both application pathways. Families can visit nyc.gov/3K and nyc.gov/prek for more information. ![]() SALUTE TO MUSIC PROGRAM The NYCDOE’s Office of Arts & Special Projects is pleased to announce that the Salute to Music Program will resume operation VIRTUALLY, with rehearsals beginning on Saturday, March 6, 2021. Below you will find information about the Salute to Music Program:
Students who sing or play an instrument should indicate their interest ASAP: https://tinyurl.com/salutetomusic2021 Hello Beautiful AmPark Families! I am welcoming March with open arms! The weather is getting better, the sun is out more and I hope you all have some special things to look forward to! IF you don’t then I will put something on your list! This is our 3rd month of Parent Resources and they just keep getting better! For the month of March we are going to focus on self-care! When you click the link you will find past resources and our new resources for March! Click here! Brain Power & Wellness Flyer! Brain Power and wellness has been working in our classrooms and providing awesome workshops for our families! We have been able to develop many skills that you probably didn’t realize you were working on. We’ve been working on stress management, positive discipline, cognitive skills, EMOTIONAL wellness, physical health and so much more. Check out the Brain power Link tree, it has resources from youtube videos to live instagram posts. try some out with the family and tell us which one stood out the most! Our next BrainPower workshop will be Friday, Mar 5th: 5:00PM - 6:00PM Friday Zoom Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82895290484?pwd=dDd5YTdBMjRUbE95bzlmM2FHbWRJQT09 Meeting ID: 828 9529 0484 Passcode: 334681 One tap mobile +19292056099,,82895290484#,,,,,,0#,,334681# US (New York) Thank you AmPark families! Have a good weekend and make sure to make time for something you like or love to do! A Farewell Letter From the Chancellor: Comments are closed.