Dear Families, We hope this summer update finds you in good spirits and good health! We had the opportunity to meet with members of the Amalgamated Housing Community Board this past Wednesday and discuss further collaboration and mutual support for our shared community. A huge thank you to Jack, Janine, Ed, Doris, and Evelyn for hosting us! Summer Rising has concluded its third week and it has been a joy to see so many familiar faces lining Hillman and Governeur. Applications for new admits to Summer Rising have now closed. Please reach out to Niomi at [email protected] if you have previously applied, but have not yet begun a program. AmPark Openings: Please share the news with your neighbors and community members that we have available seats in grades 1 - 5. Interested families should reach out to Kelly at [email protected] and Bonnie at [email protected]v for more information. Applications and enrollment can be conducted electronically. Please see the application form here. Applications will be followed up with registration forms. Reminder for the July 28th (in-person) AmPark Social! We hope that you'll join us for our AmPark Meet & Greet Social on July 28th! All of our AmPark families are invited to this event, along with all our new incoming families! Come ready to do some fun activities and meeting some of our AmPark staff members. Please fill out this Google Form to let us know that you'll attend by Monday July, 26th - ![]() Take a Lunch Break with Kelly, Bonnie, and Niomi! We will be hosting informal conversation with summer updates during a virtual “lunch break” on July 29th from 12:30 - 1:15. Please submit any questions you may have here. We will post the Q and As following the session. Zoom Meeting Information: AmPark Chat & Chew Lunch Break July 29, 2021 12:30 PM Eastern Time Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 811 0610 7866 Passcode: 344344 One tap mobile +16465588656,,81106107866#,,,,*344344# US (New York) +13017158592,,81106107866#,,,,*344344# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 811 0610 7866 Passcode: 344344 Find your local number: School Supply Lists We have continued our partnership with the School Toolbox. School Toolbox provides direct shipping to home or to school. You are also welcome to purchase the supplies from any other store or vendor of your choosing. If you choose to use School Toolbox, please search AmPark 10x334 on their website: Given the hardships of this past year, we have worked to absorb as much of the cost of supplies as possible as a school, as well as to include some supplies on the “wishlist” rather than the required list. We do not want school supplies to be a barrier or a burden for any family. Please provide what you can, and reach out should you need assistance. Summer Packets Reminder! Summer Packets will be sent via email with class assignments and important back to school information by August 23rd. Parent Coordinator Corner (AmPark loves you Niomi!)
Hello AmPark Families! I hope you all are doing well and enjoying these beautiful summer days. I have been so blessed to be a part of a community that truly cares. A community that supports each other and encourages one another. In the past 8 years I have had the privilege to form beautiful connections with staff, parents, students and even some grammys and grandpas! This entire community has had a part in my journey in my growth as a professional and even in my personal life. The strength, resilience and love this community; no this family has shown makes me so proud to have been a part of all of it! My family and I have been through so much but we have made it through together. My family and I have accepted an amazing opportunity that will support and sustain us as a family. I say this with a heaviness in my heart, my last day as your Parent Coordinator will be the last week of August. To be able to have been AmParks Parent Coordinator has been such an honor. I am so grateful to you all for believing in me, working with me, being open with me and trusting me with your concerns and even success! I will always have you all in my heart! If you would like to reach out I will share my personal email. [email protected]. Thank you so much AmPark it's been an amazing experience <3 - Niomi Comments are closed.