![]() Dear AmPark Families, Happy Friday! We wish you a restful weekend. Please click here to see the 2021 Bronx Borough Arts Virtual Festival featuring some of our own AmPark artists! Please take our school based Leader in Me survey which is used to inform planning for next year: Parents: https://www.leaderinme.com/s/ps-344-ampark-ny/parent Another friendly reminder to also take the NYCDOE survey. The deadline has been extended to June 18th. We usually have around 70% of families represented, but to date have only 10% of responses captured. https://surveys.panoramaed.com/nycdoe/login This is just a gentle reminder that the Parenting Through The Pandemic series workshop, in English, will present session 3 of the 4-session series next week, Wednesday June 16, 2021 at 5:30pm. We are requiring interested caregivers to register for the event. Registration is required: Workshop Registration--Click Here Join All Sessions via Zoom (English) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3346867324?pwd=VUlnSDNwb1FEK2pKNGdZTlRDY2szZz09 Meeting ID: 334 686 7324 Passcode: 092215 Phone In: 1646-558-8656, 3346867324#, *092215# US (New York) Dear School & Community members, We are very excited to announce our 5th Annual "Speech & Debate Summer Camp" hosted by the American Debate League in partnership with Queens College. Due to COVID-19, we will be hosting our summer camp virtually again this year. Our summer speech & debate camps start from June 28-August 27. Our weekly camps are for rising 4th-12th graders. We host morning 9-12 p.m. (EST) & afternoon 1-4 p.m. (EST) sessions. This summer we are introducing Mock Trial as one of our newest classes at our summer camp. We are also proud to announce our "LEADERS OF TOMORROW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM". This program will offer 100 FULL & PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS for children in to participate in our Virtual Speech & Debate Program. The deadline to apply is on July 15th. Our Full Scholarships are based on financial need and are awarded on a rolling basis. Please share this email and our flyers with school administrators, school staff members, parents, and community members. To register click: American Debate League summer camp Parent Coordinator Corner Hello AmPark Families! This month is our last month for some awesome parent/family resources. This month I have a Connection Card Game for the whole family. You can make it a family game night or even take it on a road trip! You can go to your nearest staples and print it out or you can reach out to me and I can print it out for you! These summer activity calendars for July and August are amazing. Each day there is a link you can follow and do activities or go on an adventure! Click here to enjoy all the fun activities! Picture codes have been sent out! Please check your inbox for an email from Legacy Studios NY. If you haven't received an email please let me know! Our Last two sessions with Brain Power Wellness are coming up so fast! Let's leave with a bang and show the Brain Power Wellness team how much we appreciate them! They have worked with our students and shown them so many new ways to be confident, focused, happy, learning new coping strategies and just learning to LOVE YOU! Bring the whole family together or take this time for you but let's try and get at least 10 families to represent AmPark! We hope you join us for our last two sessions! Info below. Friday, June 18th: 5:00PM - 6:00PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82895290484?pwd=dDd5YTdBMjRUbE95bzlmM2FHbWRJQT09 Meeting ID: 828 9529 0484 Passcode: 334681 Wednesday, June 23rd: 5:30PM - 6:30PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87343927429?pwd=ZjljejlTWXBEM0lydVYzM0ZucDhiQT09 Meeting ID: 873 4392 7429 Passcode: 742928 Important info on summer rising! Applications are open for summer rising. Apply here 🌐 Link to discoverDYCD: https://discoverdycd.dycdconnect.nyc/home Hours of operation for elementary students, 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday starting 7/6 to 8/20. All students are expected to come Monday through Friday. All students are expected to start 7/6 until 8/20. All students are expected to arrive at 8am and leave at 6pm, unless they have busing in which their day will end at 3pm. All students are expected to fill out a Covid testing form Click here for form When applying please choose go to this website https://discoverdycd.dycdconnect.nyc/program-publicType in the search bar 10x344 and choose- COMPASS Elementary: P.S. 095 Sheila Mencher - Summer Rising (10X095) Associated Schools: Milton Fein School (10X007); P.S. 008 Isaac Varian (10X008); P.S./M.S. 280 Mosholu Parkway (10X280); P.S. 315 Lab School (10X315); Ampark Neighborhood (10X344)Child Development Ctr of the Mosholu Montefiore Comm Center http://www.mmcc.org 3961 HILLMAN AVENUE BRONX 10463 Service Provider: (718) 882-4000 Site Contact: (917) 631-0454 Kherissa Fearon: [email protected] Operating Dates: July 2021 - August 2021 Here is a video tutorial on how you can apply! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdmLucUl5qE&t=5s If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out! Comments are closed.