![]() Dear Families, Thank you for your support during our Back-to-School Night event. It was wonderful to see your faces and hear your encouraging words regarding the start to the year. Please see the attached slideshow from the admin presentation and the Remote Learning Preparedness draft. All safety and health guidelines remain subject to change. Last night’s Q & A is forthcoming. We would like to call attention to a few important pieces of information from the slideshow:
Updates From Chancellor Meisha Ross Porter: Increased Testing in All Schools Beginning immediately, we will increase testing in all schools from biweekly to weekly. Testing will continue to take place for 10% of unvaccinated students in grades 1 – 12. Please continue to access your random COVID-19 testing rosters through the COVID Testing Report (RCOV) in ATS and how to find your school’s testing threshold for each week on the COVID-19 School Testing Sharepoint folder. For questions, email [email protected]. Consent for Testing Please continue to encourage your families to submit consent for testing through their NYC Schools Account (NYCSA), or by submitting a signed paper consent form as soon as possible. Our surveillance program helps us keep our students, staff and families safe and our schools open, and we need everyone to be part of it! As a reminder, those students who submitted consent last school year are eligible for testing through September 30 when their 2020-2021 consent expires. Updated Quarantine Policy for Elementary School Students We have reviewed our quarantine data from the first week of school carefully with the City’s lead doctors, and have determined together that we can update our policy to align with CDC guidance to ensure that students are learning in-person as much as possible - while keeping our school communities safe. Starting Monday, September 27, we will no longer close entire classrooms when there is one positive case in a classroom. We will now follow the CDC guidance which recommends that unvaccinated students who are masked and at least three feet distanced will not have to quarantine if they are identified as a close contact. We will be sharing this information with families in our next family letter, which we will send to you and make available on our Messages for Families page. Staff Vaccine Mandate The most important thing we can do to keep our students safe is for all eligible individuals in our school buildings to be vaccinated. As a reminder, all school staff must upload proof of their first dose in the DOE Vaccine Portal by next Monday, September 27. For more information on the Vaccine Mandate, please visit the COVID-19 Vaccination Portal Infohub webpage. More information about where to get vaccinated can be found at vaccinefinder.nyc.gov or by calling 877-VAX-4-NYC. Thank you for doing all you do to create warm, welcoming environments for all of our students and doing all you can to keep our school communities safe. I’m proud of our Homecoming, and look forward to sharing more with you later today on my reflections on our first week of this historic school year. Reminder: AmPark Parent Association Special Election on Wednesday, September 29th @ 7pm As a parent of a student at AmPark, you are automatically a part of our Parent Association. How much you're willing to participate in that role, is entirely up to you. Please know that it is very much the dedicated heart work of our PA, and especially our elected PA members, that makes AmPark the special community that it is. Due to some changes from the spring of last school year, we have two very important elected seats open that we will hold a special election for next Wednesday, September 29th at 7:00pm. The two vacancies that need to be filled are Parent Association President and School Leadership Team Chair. The role of PA President is not a small one, but it is one that Kelly and Bonnie and all of AmPark rely upon to support and further the vision of our school and are ever grateful for, on a daily basis. The role of an elected parent member on the SLT is a monthly commitment to attend and contribute to SLT meetings, where teachers, admin, parents, and even students, come together to discuss school goals, improvement ideas, and the construction/monitoring of our Consolidated Education Plan. If you are interested in running for a position and are seeking more information, please reach out to members of the Parent Association Executive Board at [email protected] and, as we do not currently have our new Parent Coordinator in place, feel free to CC Bonnie at [email protected]. All parents at AmPark are welcome to join for the election itself on Wednesday and to cast your vote for both of these positions. The election will be held via Zoom. Please see the Zoom link information below. We hope that you'll join us and vote for these two important elected positions on our AmPark PA. The AmPark Parents’ Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: AmPark Parents' Association Election Meeting Time: Sep 29, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5611427164?pwd=V0pxeHFENEJGaXhJQk9BWEJFNVUyZz09 Meeting ID: 561 142 7164 Passcode: 513452 OR Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 561 142 7164 Passcode: 513452 CEC10 invites you to their September Calendar and Business meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, 2021... Below kindly find the meeting flyer and below also please find all meeting details: Date/Time: Tuesday September 28, 2021, at 6:30pm Fecha/Hora: Martes 28 de Septiembre, 2021, a las 6:30pm Via Zoom click this link/Via Zoom haga clic en el enlace a continuacion: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7915018756 Finally, Please find the letter, generated today, September 24th, by the NYC DOE Situation Room below, informing our community that there has been a confirmed case of COVID on our shared campus with PS/MS 95. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Subject: Confirmed Case of COVID-19: Close Contacts Quarantined
Dear P.S. 095 Sheila Mencher at 3961 HILLMAN AVENUE Community: The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the NYC Test + Trace Corps (T2) have determined that a member of our school community has tested positive for COVID-19 and may have exposed others while at school. Below you will find guidance on next steps that will help keep you, your child, and our school community healthy and safe. The information below reflects the expertise of DOHMH, T2, and the New York City Department of Education (DOE). What Happens Now?
All New Yorkers age 12 or older are eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. If someone is fully vaccinated, they do not have to miss school, sports or work if there is a case in their classroom. People who are between 12 and 17 years old are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine only; all older ages are eligible for all three vaccines. Find a vaccine site today at https://vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/. There is no cost to be vaccinated. Please remember to follow these important “Core Four” actions to prevent COVID-19 transmission:
We will continue to closely follow directions from public health experts and proactively update you on any measures we are taking. To ensure we can reach you via text and email, please create a New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) as soon as possible by visiting schools.nyc.gov/nycsa. To help New Yorkers quarantine, the NYC Test + Trace Corps partners with community-based organizations to connect individuals to resources like food, medicine, and health care. To connect with resources, you can call 1-212-COVID19 (212-268-4319). For additional information on COVID-19, visit schools.nyc.gov/coronavirus or call 311. Sincerely, Serge M. Davis Principal Comments are closed.