Hello and happy Friday, AmPark! Please see our (now weekly!) Owl Blog updates below, including a save for college program, a reminder about school surveys and an update from Chef Ricardo and the wellness committee. Save for College Program: Spring Professional Learning Sessions NYC Kids RISE is offering a series of live professional learning opportunities to support implementation of the Save for College Program in your school communities. Please encourage your Save for College Program liaisons and other members of your school community to join one of each of the following sessions:
School Survey Reminder! https://surveys.panoramaed.com/nycdoe/login Parents can access school survey by entering lowercase "f" and child OSIS number. Parent can find their child OSIS number in their myschools account, or they can reach out to Elvira parent coordinator. Why is the school survey important to Ampark: The feedback from the survey is used to reflect and make improvements to schools and programs. Survey results are also used to help measure school quality. Wellness Committee Hope everyone's week is going well! I wanted to provide an update on the wellness committee's video to message healthy snacking. Here's the video as it currently stands: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ZQ5Yg7C7hv0so15ieUQTh3LvOw9EKYn/view?usp=sharing While it's still a work in progress (I will add additional graphics to make the message clearer for the youngest learners), I couldn't help sharing the results of last week's wellness committee filming session. The students did a great job with their lines, and our adult members made good cameo appearances as well :-) Yours in health, Chef Ricardo Have a wonderful weekend!
With appreciation, Andrea and the entire AmPark staff Comments are closed.